GStats Ranking, Promotion and Web Statistics
Timeframe: [Last 24 Hours]
[Last 7 Days]
[Last 30 Days]
Information |
Visitors |
Pages |
Details |
Hits (total) |
8299 |
52104 |
[hours] [days] |
Hits with Javascript enabled |
8299 |
52104 |
[hours] [days] |
Hits with Javascript enabled (%) |
100 % |
100 % |
Hits with Java enabled |
9 |
25 |
[hours] [days] |
Hits with Java enabled (%) |
0.1 % |
0.04 % |
Search Engine Keywords (Top 10) |
Hits |
guess number position |
2 |
goobix |
1 |
Hits / Visitor |
Visitors |
Percent |
Graphic |
1 - 2 |
4952 |
59.66 % |
3 - 4 |
1277 |
15.38 % |
5 - 7 |
738 |
8.89 % |
8 - 10 |
376 |
4.53 % |
11 - 15 |
344 |
4.14 % |
16 - 25 |
259 |
3.12 % |
26 - 50 |
211 |
2.54 % |
over 50 |
142 |
1.71 % |
Country of Origin (Top 10) |
Hits |
United States of America |
20850 |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
4038 |
Canada |
3575 |
Romania |
2647 |
Australia |
2153 |
Spain |
1949 |
France |
1473 |
Germany |
1304 |
Russian Federation |
1006 |
Netherlands (Kingdom of the) |
920 |
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